CoinPayments Wallet
Terms & Conditions/Refund Policy
Throughout this agreement the terms "us", "our", and "we" refer to and it's operator(s) and owner(s). The terms "you", "your", and "user" refer to the person or entity accessing or using it's services. The terms "coin" and "coins" are synonyms for cryptocurrencies.
Your Agreement to the Terms
Accessing this website or any services provided by it in any way indicates your agreement to the complete terms and conditions in this agreement. Any section or item found to be unenforcable by a court of law does not invalidate any other section or item.
Refund Policy - Completed Transactions
It is the nature of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and the other cryptocurrencies on our website that all transactions are final with no method of chargeback or recourse for the sender of the funds. As such we are unable to reverse or provide refunds for any payment made through our payment system. This also applies if you contact us before the payment is completed but it reaches completion before we are able to respond. We do provide a feedback system so buyers can leave ratings for sellers (and vice versa).
Refund Policy - Incomplete Transactions
If your coins were not received and/or confirmed in time, we will gladly refund them to you. Simply
open a support ticket with your
CoinPayments transaction ID, verification code, and refund address. The ticket must be opened with the email address used in the transaction. We will in most cases email you to ask if you would like a refund, but this is not guaranteed. Refunds will be either (at our discretion): a) the original amount of coins received, or b) an amount equivalent to the USD value at the time of the transaction. All refunds must be claimed within 30 days of us receiving your coins or they will be forfeited. Refunds are sent minus the
unsubsidized coin/miner TX fee to send them to you.
Refund Policy - Tiny Amounts
For a refund to be honored it must be at least the network transaction fee (TX fee) for that coin times two, otherwise it will be forfeited.
Funds Recovery - Sends to wrong coin/chain, missing tags, delisted coins, etc.
If coins are sent to the wrong coin or blockchain or to a delisted coin and need to be recovered by us manually there will be an 8% recovery fee; if the coins can be recovered at all. This would apply if for example you sent Ether to an Ether Classic address or Digitalcoin to a Dogecoin address, etc. This would also apply to coins that require a destination tag, payment ID, memo, etc. and they were not set or were set to an incorrect value. We will not recover tokens we do not support for example from Ether-based ICOs that aren't on our Supported Coins list. You must contact us within 90 days for us to recover your funds for you or they will be forfeited.
Restricted Items/Services
The following items and/or services may not be bought or sold with our service(s):
Illegal drugs and substances.
Pornography featuring underage or unconsenting performers.
Software or websites with malware, viruses, trojans, spoofing, etc.
High-yield investment programs (HYIP)
Content which may be:
Libellous or maliciously false;
Infringe any copyright, moral right, database right, trademark right, design right, right in passing off, or other intellectual property right;
Be in contempt of any court, or in breach of any court order;
Be in breach of racial or religious hatred or discrimination legislation;
Be untrue, false, inaccurate or misleading;
Constitute spam;
Be offensive, deceptive, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, anti-social, menacing, hateful, discriminatory or inflammatory
We offer an affiliate system providing referring users a percentage of the transaction fees earned by the merchants they referred for a period of 5 years. For full information see
this help entry.